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Auto Attendant 

Auto Attendant is your virtual receptionist.  Does your business have periods when phone traffic is more than your staff can cope with?  Are you worried that an unanswered call could be a potential lost sale?  Utilising the Auto Attendant means you never miss a call (dependent on port capacity).  An incoming call is answered by the Auto Attendant and a recorded message will advise that someone will be with them shortly.  You can also set up a directory for the incoming calls ie: press 1 for sales, press 2 for accounts allowing for the call to be transferred promptly to the right department or person.  Auto Attendants can answer multiple incoming calls simultaneously.  What does this mean for your business?  Calls answered promptly, existing callers getting the time needed with staff, improving customer service and much more!

Auto Attendants are available as both after market and brand specific products offering  your business an extensive range of options to suit your specific needs.
Auto Attendant

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Auto Attendant
Voicemail Card
Battery Back Up
Call Metering Card
Line Card
Digital Station Card
Analogue Station Card
Caller ID Card
VoIP Line Card
VoIP Station Card
Copyright 2023 Absolute Phone & Data
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Hybrex Auto Attendant
Suitable for the Hybrex         GDS Series Range of Phone Systems
NEC Auto Attendant
Standard on
SL2100 and SV9100
Phone Systems
Hybrex 4 Port
Auto Attendant

Comes standard on
Hybrex G1E Plus
Phone System
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Information that can be found on this page includes:

Absolute Phone & Data, Phone System, Telephone System, Phone Systems, Telephone Systems, Phone Cabling, Data Cabling, Hybrex GDS Phone System,Hybrex Hospitality Phone System, Hybrex G1E Plus Phone System,NEC Topaz Phone System, NEC Phone System, NEC Univerge Phone System, NEC Telephone System, NEC SV8000 Series Phone System, Hybrex G Series Phone System, Battery Back Up, Battery Back Up Box, Battery Back Up Boxes, Hybrex Battery Back Up, NEC Battery Back Up, NEC Topaz Battery Back Up, NEC Univerge Battery Back Up, NEC SV8000 Series Battery Back Up, Hybrex G Series Battery Back UP, Hybrex Battery Back Up Boxes, NEC Battery Back Up Boxes, New Phone System, Technicians, Technician
hybrex Auto Attendant Card
PIc is representation only
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Hybrex Auto Attendant Phone System
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07 5592 1122
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Hybrex Voicemail
Suitable for the Hybrex         GDS Series Range of Phone Systems
NEC Voicemail
Standard on
SL2100 and SV9100
Phone Systems
NEC Voicemail Phone System
Hybrex Phone Systems Logo
Hybrex Voicemail
Suitable for the
Hybrex G1E Plus and GDS
Phone Systems
Hybrex G1E Plus Phone System Brochure
Hybrex GDS Phone System Brochure
NEC  Sl2100 Telephone System Brochure Pic
NEC SV9100 Phone System Brochure
NEC SL2100
Phone System
NEC SV9100
Phone System
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New Phone System
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Having voicemail on your business phone system can be an efficient way of handling calls when you are away from your desk and after hours.  Incoming and intecom calls to an extension set up with voicemail (programmed accordingly) will be answered with a station specific message with a prompt to leave a message.  Once a message has been left on voicemail, a message light will indicate that you have messages.  Some voicemail products have features that include immediate notification via sms and  or email. 

Voicemail is available as an after market product or brand specific product offering  your business an extensive range of options to suit your specific needs.

It is important that you contact a consultant who can help you get the right voicemail product for your business needs.  Absolute Phone & Data can provide an obligation free quote for your voicemail requirements. 
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Phone System Accessories
are not plug and use. 

Fully qualified technicians are required to install these products on your phone system and programming will be required.

All our technicians are endorsed and experienced in fitting out your phone system. 

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NEC SL2100 24 key Display Handsfree Handset
Brisbane Phone 07 3333 1723
Gold Coast Phone 07 5592 1122
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Absolute Phone & Data offer a free advisory service
making sure you get the most effective and reliable solution for your business.

Our sales staff come from a technical background rather than sales so you can be assured of gettng a tailored solution
that is  right for
your business.